The multimillionaire looked hollow-eyed and tired; but his large broad lips retained a pleasant smile.
Just then Sir Henry joined us, and Good arrived, too, from another direction, looking very pale and hollow-eyed.
They'd been much older than Cos, true, but children were children and Drakasha looked hollow-eyed with worry.
Inside, Tunbridge Jackson was slouched on his cot, looking pale and hollow-eyed.
They both looked hollow-eyed and wired, as if they'd done a couple of all-nighters on pills and coffee.
The tall, dark, and handsome man that I'd met looked hollow-eyed.
Jake, too, had lost weight and looked hollow-eyed, although Shipley knew he was eating.
He stood, looking hollow-eyed and gaunt in the candlelight.
She looked a little less hollow-eyed than she had a week ago.
He looks hollow-eyed, and his hair has been shaved.