A deal that looked imminent now has a few obstacles facing it.
The roast goose looked imminent when the army reached its main camp behind that long, sandy beach.
Even though the sky was so overcast that rain or snow looked imminent, it hurt her eyes.
Earlier this year, a military coup looked imminent.
In each of the last three years, it looked imminent.
For all of today's drama, however, the demise of the Edwards Dam does not look especially imminent.
If his capture looked imminent - well, he was in a profession that entailed serious risks, and Qati had to be careful.
If capture looks imminent, I'll arm it with a ten-second delay.
War looked imminent until the French withdrew their support for the Spanish position, and a compromise was reached.
As it prepared to recess, Congress appointed 18 members to watch developments and summon it back if fighting looks imminent.