Through it all, the Guard behind her looked completely indifferent to what she said.
The president cannot afford to look indifferent to the problems of average Americans in a sluggish economy.
The nymphs love me, and you yourself look not indifferent upon me.
Madeline made one little effort to look indifferent, and then let the question leap up in her.
He stood there, trying to look indifferent and failing miserably.
A series of fatal accidents at sea had left the service looking sloppy and indifferent to safety.
They wanted Tor to lead them, but he had simply refused, looking supremely indifferent.
Instead he had to look indifferent in case Pompey saw him.
I kept my head down, trying to look tired and indifferent.
They looked cold and indifferent, as though nothing that happened below them could possibly be of any significance.