Over the rail, Margo looked back indignantly as though ready to start the return journey and call Harry to account.
Justin looked at her indignantly, which caused her to giggle even more.
She looked indignantly straight into Alberg's face, her eyes flashing behind her glasses.
Alinor looked from one to the other indignantly, but her mother caught her eye.
Upon this they all four looked indignantly at Alleyn.
As she looked indignantly at the empty purse, an idea took form in Scarlett's mind and grew swiftly.
He looked at her indignantly: "I'm not a tourist," he said.
He looked at her indignantly and Maggie grimaced.
There was a fat woman looking indignantly at the picture of a weighing-scale painted on the wall.
He looked around indignantly, as if someone had contradicted him.