Biting her lip, her face stained crimson, Nikol looked irresolute.
The woman paled slightly, but quite perceptibly, and the man looked flustered and irresolute.
Colonel Clapperton looked a little irresolute.
The dancer looked irresolute, started to dance, and then turned back to the Lord Sto Odin.
Every word of this was true, and so far effective that the fellows began to scratch their heads and look irresolute.
Steeden looked irresolute and took to biting his mustachio again, "Well-oh, hell, you've all got it in for me.
The nurse hesitated, and looked irresolute.
Still I perceived clearly that many of those least friendly towards me looked irresolute and anxious.
Magda looked irresolute.
He looked irresolute for a moment, then he made up his mind.