He was still sweating from the Eagles' run at the course, and, though they might look jaunty, the berets tended to seal the heat in.
Harry Ramos will look jaunty in his white turtleneck.
He looked jaunty and very handsome this afternoon, extremely youthful in appearance.
The fellow looked quite jaunty, in a suit of dittoes and a carnation.
Barbara was rather pleased by the effect; the costume was quite ample, and looked very jaunty.
Probably he had wanted to look carefree or jaunty, but he had only looked pathetic instead.
He saw that the colonel, looking quite jaunty, was eyeing him with amusement.
It was a plain purple swath that might have looked jaunty and brave under bright sunlight.
The back view of him, for some reason, looked both purposeful and jaunty.
In fact, he almost looked jaunty.