But even the historicist styles he purports to love, any involvement of his just makes the project end up looking laughable.
It made him look laughable instead of horrifying and Tommy felt much better about the whole thing.
So, how do you ensure they won't upstage you or look laughable on the big day?
If they hadn't posed such a threat, they would have looked laughable in their big, baggy suits with turnups, white socks, and swept-back hair.
But the number looks laughable in light of the millions of copies sold to date.
He looks laughable, so she laughs.
We must have looked laughable, a dozen men attacking a Roman century.
Recollected in a few rooms at the Cooper-Hewitt, all this consumerist kitsch looks laughable now.
Take a chill-pill before you become one of those democrats that make democrats look laughable.