It seems hardly real when I find myself leaning for a moment on a ruined wall and looking listlessly down into the historic pool of Bethesda.
The man was looking listlessly out at the snow that had begun to fall shortly after they crossed the Connecticut state line.
She kept looking toward it listlessly and indulgently, in a way that gave him a realization of her loneliness.
But Class 1 looked back at him listlessly.
Carmilla sat looking listlessly on, while one after the other the old pictures, nearly all portraits which had undergone the process of renovation, were brought to light.
Vale looked listlessly at the upholstery of Crane's brand-new Ford.
And then he looked at me almost listlessly.
Adelaide turned and looked at him listlessly.
Fairhairn, with the physical appearance of a corpse, had come on deck, and was looking listlessly in the direction of the small dispersed fleet.
But the night lay between us and those confused mortals, and I looked at him listlessly as he lay still.