This kind of emotiveness can look mannered, but for the most part Mr. Beloserkovsky stayed convincingly on the right side of the line.
Ms. Tracey, who joined the company 10 years ago, has looked well mannered and well schooled in many roles, but her dancing has sometimes been placid.
In Mr. Calkins's work there's a delicacy of touch and an air of poetic fantasy that make the work of the others look mannered.
Jar Ben would look well mannered compared to these things he came to complain of.
Unfortunately the period manners on display by both narrator and dancers have a tendency to look forced and off-puttingly mannered.
You're thinking she looks awfully mild mannered.
His idiosyncratic, draftsmanly distortions of forms begin to look mannered and repetitive in bulk.
What looks comfortable to one person looks mannered to someone else.
This one looks mannered and gimmicky.
He fidgets and paces when he phones Diane but never looks mannered.