Unfortunate obediently looks into the window but obviously he could hear the sound well.
The child took out the seeing-stone and obediently looked into it, but his face was contorted, as if he were trying not to cry, "Nothing.
Miss Lemon looked at it obediently, without emotion.
She looked obediently in the direction of his finger.
Kaplan looked obediently out into the swirling dust.
Scherman looked obediently at the graphs, nodded sagely and then gave her a wink.
She pointed at Oben, and the rest of the cohort obediently looked where she aimed.
The robot obediently looked at them, then looked back.
She looked at the notations obediently but, although they were familiar, she couldn't make her mind read the melody.
She looked obediently, glad to have her thoughts diverted, and asked intelligent questions which kept the conversation safely impersonal, if slightly dull.