Tony looked at him obliquely, and said under his breath, "Maybe it's better you don't."
He stood now directly over the woman, squinting, looking only obliquely at her.
But she was looking back obliquely, toward an oncoming bus, even more distant than he.
As an American writer, I can only look on it obliquely.
He looked obliquely at the blond man and did not conceal the amusement in his eyes.
"Paul," he said, looking obliquely at her, "has a lot of friends: he's a politician."
Jezrael looked obliquely for the rest of her squad.
He looked obliquely down at Teddy, and smiled.
The others look at the subject more obliquely.
I looked at them obliquely as I'd learned to do a long time ago in Korea, and they came into sharper focus.