But Government officials are trying to look at the situation optimistically.
Basnett looks forward optimistically to the future which includes a meeting in Colombia planned for 1992.
Others refuse to dwell on the darkness ahead, and want to look optimistically to a longer-term future.
I know that you're accustomed to our life the way it is, my love, but try and look at this optimistically.
And he looked optimistically to his play's imminent arrival in the United States.
The Vik people looked optimistically upon the future of industry and economic growth.
Looking at the escape optimistically, maybe Ruiz would be eaten by a jaguar.
Under other circumstances, without the shadow cast by terrorism, this would be an occasion for looking optimistically towards Europe's future.
It is a city proud of its traditions but also a city optimistically looking towards a future.
Treasury prices continued to climb yesterday, as investors looked somewhat optimistically ahead to today's employment report for September.