Wilt looked pathetically across at the police stenographer.
Unable to find a comforting solution, he held on to the desk and shivered while looking pathetically at the clerk.
The Virgin is holding one of Jesus's arms, looking at him pathetically.
Old Windlow was looking at me pathetically, eyes three-quarters buried in delicate wrinkles and mouth turned down in that expression of sweet reproach.
On the brief flight to a waiting Chattanooga hospital the girl revived and looked pathetically at Andy: "My legs?
She looked pathetically like a child.
Rincewind looked pathetically at Conina, who shrugged again.
One hears a word dropped here and there.5' He looked pathetically at Poirot.
The dog whined, looked pathetically at the sausage, still in Bane's pocket.
Adam stood up, looking pathetically down at the hard leather pouch chained over his genitals.