The sets here look polished and expensive; production values are high.
Thanks to such finesse, the film's unfamiliar cast and shoestring budget wind up looking much more polished than might be expected.
If you are not wearing a hat then the hair has to make a statement and look polished and fabulous.
My job as a TV host requires me to look polished and fashionable.
He snuggled his tie tight to make him look polished and professional.
He looked very polished this morning, like a balloon at bursting point.
"You really have to look polished and finished; otherwise, people at work will wonder if there's something not quite under control in your life."
Suddenly, a team playing its second of three games on consecutive days was looking polished and poised.
Except it looked so polished, he doubted Melanie did any cooking in it.
We want our pages to look polished but relaxed - if a room looks too perfect, we'll mess up the bed a little.