His formal suit jacket and slacks would have looked pretentious on anyone else in a casual setting, but the Chairman wore them with complete comfort.
Still, a mini-series could allow you to dwell on each unnerving revelation, and to do tight reaction shots without looking pretentious.
They wanted my restaurant, and I agreed so I wouldn't look too pretentious.
She says it is a young, swingy style that can look far less pretentious than big fur coats.
What was intended as ambitious and bold can look pretentious.
It looks pretentious, although I'm not a timid person.
She still thought - the cover design looked pretentious.
"We didn't want the silver to look too pretentious," Mr. Leiba said.
It should have looked pretentious but somehow she avoided that.
Images that may look pretentious in his oversized paintings, seem consistently elegant in the smaller format.