As he planted himself in the entrance to the work hold, crossbow at the ready, he looked reassuringly strong and reliable.
I looked at him reassuringly and winked, and his narrow shoulders straightened.
The morning sky, partly cloudy, looked reassuringly normal.
His blue eyes, once too light and cold for Anna's taste, by comparison looked reassuringly human.
Compared to the stockade atmosphere of the rest of the complex, it looked reassuringly homey.
Properly responding to his captain's concentration on the ship's status, Riker looked at him reassuringly.
It looked reassuringly square and solid, as though it had grown up from the rocky cliff it sat upon.
The others were lying with closed eyes, apparently sleeping off the effect of the opiate plant; the sheltering branches above them looked reassuringly normal.
As long as the state cash register is ringing, it looks reassuringly as if all is well.
In the high-end fashion magazines, they all managed to look wondrously and reassuringly wealthy while the Depression played out on the street.