He appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, looking rumpled and sleepy.
The rug on the floor looked rumpled and scuffed as if a furious fight had taken place within at some recent moment.
He looked rumpled and badly used, like the unmade bed he was sitting on.
He looked rumpled, and obscurely amused, as he almost always does.
When the Hindmost appeared he looked rumpled and tired.
Bosch looked rumpled and worn-out when he entered the courtroom Friday morning.
He looked rumpled and calm, a comfortable man who fit in because he was never much aware of himself.
The tiny screen on the desk top showed a middle-aged man who looked rather rumpled and unhappy.
She looked rumpled, but no more so than Sharon, who had been getting ready for bed when summoned here.
He looked rather rumpled, and there was something about him that brought to mind a little boy.