Occasional copses of stunted trees broke the landscape, but even these looked scraggly and unhealthy.
Even his sideburns and little goatee that looked scraggly and whiskery when I saw them from a distance turned out to be soft peach fuzz up close.
Even from here it looked scraggly, surviving where the heavier brush had died for lack of moisture.
Scraggly looking beard .
One of the others was "a scraggly looking man, about 5 feet 7 inches," she testified, adding, "That's all I really remember."
Looking properly scraggly, Mr. Cronyn plays the 80-ish Cleve with a charming touch of mischief.
Even President Ferraro was there, his hair looking scraggly where he had pulled out handfuls.
A decaying cloud, it turned out, looks scraggly and listless, while a maturing cloud is fluffy and has milky wisps that form tendrils.
One of his companions, she said, was "scraggly looking," and about 5 foot 7.
He hated cutting grass, having learned as a child that however much you sliced it down, the goddamned stuff just grew back in a few days to look scraggly again.