Mia, meanwhile, sat across from us, looking serenely from her bell to her mother's, clearly cooking up a plan.
Even elegant clothes have to look serenely offhand.
His big blue eyes looked serenely on the world, knowing that it was made for his benefit.
Which had to be something of a first for Frost, Silence thought as he looked serenely around him.
She was looking at him serenely.
A huge golden Buddha looks serenely down on the shoot.
She folded her arms and looked at him serenely, as if the truth of her statement was obvious.
Leyzaola looked at me serenely, with just a hint, I thought, of amusement, or perhaps it was outrage.
Turlock rose to his full height and looked serenely at his two frightened neighbors.
Audra stood beside the bike, looking serenely at the side of Mike's garage.