If you get nervous-was The detective's smile looked sickly all at once.
The man was bigger, though his body looked sickly and loose-jointed under the white robe.
Angel, on the other hand, looks pale and sickly.
My smile must have looked sickly, if anything, but Bell did not seem to notice it.
I didn't wear any makeup the next morning, so I'd look pale and sickly.
The moon's light caught the white of her powdered face, making it look pale and sickly.
As a result, the animation of the characters looked choppy and sickly.
It had been decided that the King was indeed in his madness now, and for sure looked at least sickly and weak.
He looked sickly out there; his skin was a grayish sort of color, and those eyes didn't look right.
The room seemed to have acquired a yellow haze; everything looked sickly.