He looked stealthily all round him.
The driver looked at him stealthily for a minute or so; and in the pauses of his warming whistled too.
He looked stealthily at his companions, feeling sure that they must discern in his face evidences of this pursuit.
I looked across the carriage stealthily to see how the girl was enduring this combination of evils, and noticed that she had begun to read.
If a girl looked stealthily through the snout at a boy she wanted, who was not interested in her, he would supposedly go mad about her.
He looked stealthily toward him, and Kelly's eyes met his with a gleam sinister.
The hazel eyes looked at him stealthily.
Hugh accepted it from his hand, and looking stealthily at his smiling face, drank the contents in silence.
I looked stealthily to the right and left.
All through the meal Bud had caught Hen eyeing him miserably, and looking stealthily from him to the others.