"On the other hand is a group within the movement who say, look, we will lose thoughtful younger people if we don't make this change, and the movement will look stodgy and behind the times."
But these plans began looking stodgy in the bull market.
But in recent months, as revolutions swept Eastern European, Yugoslavia has looked stodgy, oddly lagging behind.
Now, though, ABC News is looking a mite stodgy.
The grilled lamb chops looked stodgy in their thick Parmesan crust, but were tender and delicious.
Naiditsch's 15 . . . Be6 looks too stodgy.
Restyled by Virgil Exner, the 1953 Dodge line looked lighter and less stodgy than earlier models.
Can't look stodgy when I go dancing.
With formality on 100 and the other traits at 0, the word looks stodgy.
It made other women in conventional long dresses look stodgy.