The Cincinnati Enquirer yesterday quoted an unidentified source as saying that baseball officials look unfavorably on Schott's granting of interviews.
Bond-rating agencies look unfavorably on governments that do not build a cushion into their budgets.
But officials of the Finance Ministry have blocked the plan because they look unfavorably at employee ownership of more than 20 percent.
Many Shi'a Muslims also look unfavorably upon the Palestinian presence since the camps have tended to be concentrated in their home areas.
Otherwise, they fear their peers will look on them unfavorably.
Francis M. Lyman looked unfavorably upon this new innovation of the mission presidents wife actively serving with him.
The church presidency and other members looked unfavorably upon them.
But she reluctantly stepped down after her husband became the Democratic Party leader, and people began looking unfavorably on the Spano-Spano connections.
The Transportation Department, which must approve such transactions, has said that it may look unfavorably on such heavily leveraged takeovers.
It looks unfavorably upon anyone who attempts to disrupt this placidity.