Staring unseeing at the Melted who stood in what was left of the armor he'd stripped from them, looking unseeingly back at him, the Spellmaster went on swearing.
To right and left of the arch, stone pillars supported the busts of nymphs cast in bronze; their eyes looked unseeingly down at him.
She looked unseeingly at the side of bacon Mr Small bone was holding up for her inspection, then cautiously turned her head and stared unbelievingly.
Vond looked at him unseeingly, and then seemed to emerge from a daze.
Vance leaned back in the swivel chair and looked unseeingly at one of the old etchings over the desk.
Her fingers clenched as she looked unseeingly into the rain.
Kirk looked unseeingly at the screen.
The skipper looked at him unseeingly.
The Marshal looked at him unseeingly.
I looked unseeingly at the crowded street as we rumbled away, thinking of the best way to escape my captors while inflicting a bit of damage on my sadistic companion.