My apple trees are nor looking very healthy, and every year there are scabby, open wounds in the fruits which look very unsightly.
The damage is not difficult to repair but can look unsightly in the meantime.
"It looks unsightly for a while."
Q Map Berlin's largest, most modern, opera house may look unsightly but its musical supremacy is seldom questioned.
Cracks look unsightly, and may also cause instability.
Because the pileups attracted bugs and looked unsightly, some residents stopped recycling and were fined for breaking the law.
Consequently the teeth look unsightly, although the incidence of dental decay in those teeth is very small.
The village says they look unsightly.
Even Torre laughed at his remark, but that was before the Yankees lost again and looked unsightly in the process.
The bare trees that remain can look unsightly, with misshapen branches, discolored bark or mysterious growths.