At times in the second half the Saints looked unstoppable.
Many lawyers say the momentum for some kind of action in Congress looks unstoppable.
Only Bork didn't lumber, he walked with such a deliberate step he looked absolutely unstoppable.
New England (3-3), which earlier looked unstoppable, has lost three straight.
Velazquez also looks unstoppable with 12 victories and a sweep of the weekend stakes races.
But when he entered at the 5-minute-17-second mark of the first quarter, Spencer looked unstoppable.
Especially at short range, and urban fighting tends to be very short range, they just look unstoppable.
But nobody could offer much of an explanation for how an offense that looked unstoppable in the preseason had been thrown into reverse so quickly.
Billups looked unstoppable in the first quarter, when the Pistons raced to a 30-21 lead.
More broadly, when a certain offense looks unstoppable or a defense impenetrable, the other side adjusts.