Dermott looked at the doctor, a tall, swarthy man with an almost cadaverous face and a hooked nose.
Bob certainly looked the part, with tight black curly hair and a large nose.
At first, Pinocchio was going to look like a real wooden puppet, with a long pointed nose, a pointed hat, and bare wood hands.
It looked like halitosis with a wet nose.
Look at Eames there, with a bloody nose and on a Sunday too, for shame.
One, a directional board, looked like a miniature windsurfer, with a pointed nose and fins at the tail.
The fact that I looked Semitic with such a nose didn't bear on that problem.
He was about forty-five, wiry, shrewd looking, with a nose like a swordblade.
I wonder how you'd look with a broken nose.
Chlodys looked at the cherries with a wrinkled nose.