After a few minutes she looked woozy.
Johnson looked woozy while getting up.
Baker himself, looking gaunt and woozy, reflects on the past and is shown singing and playing the trumpet in some of his final recording sessions.
'Did it strike you just before the accident that Harriet looked woozy or unsteady in the saddle?'
As he spoke, the door to the room swung open, and a transit worker escorted in a thin young woman who looked woozy.
You look a little woozy.
Looking woozy, Mr. Krikalev was given smelling salts after being lifted from the vehicle that carried him and two others to earth.
Cole looked woozy, and his head dipped down to his chest, then up again.
She nodded but looked woozy.
The woman had looked visibly woozy to him; as they later learned, one of the knotted condoms in her colon had started to leak.