The Army Group commander, Harold Alexander, exercised only the loosest control over his two commanders.
The report criticizes the looser controls on technology exports, a cornerstone of President Clinton's commercial diplomacy, but does not assign blame for lax security at the laboratories.
France is demanding a less onerous list of initial disarmament tasks, wider sanctions relief and looser controls over Iraqi revenues.
Besides, why seek a deal on looser Soviet control in Eastern Europe when Mr Gorbachev is already loosening his grip?
The basic question is: will managed care, in the long run, begin to mimic traditional insurance with its looser control over costs and annual premium increases that far outpace inflation?
Morgan is a leading provider of the complex financial instruments known as derivatives and has been an aggressive advocate of looser regulatory controls over the lucrative products.
Occupation officials also felt free to tap into Iraqi revenues, which are subject to far less oversight and looser controls than Congressionally appropriated funds.
They continued to advocate looser controls over sales of supercomputers and other equipment, even as intelligence analysts documented the scope of China's espionage.
Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria called for looser controls, and many other countries favored the status quo.
Although progress toward free markets seems to require looser controls, Mr. Gorbachev wants more power to rescue the Soviet economy.