Friends of the Everglades and other conservation groups continues to legally challenge the looser interpretation of the Clean Water Act but has not been totally successful.
Jews who accept a looser interpretation of the law will eat lamb, but not if it is roasted.
This is a slightly looser interpretation of the original meaning.
Others have a looser interpretation.
Its flight model is based on a looser interpretation of space physics instead of realistic Newtonian physics.
However, many musicians, while there, part from traditional bluegrass styles and emphasize a looser, more rock-oriented interpretation of roots music.
Games tended to be characterized by complicated dribbling, ballhandling, and passing, acrobatic slam dunks, and a looser interpretation of rules.
Well, I approve of your looser interpretation of chaos theory.
The group welcomed the looser interpretation for mercury.
The exhibition, first conceived as an exploration of hip-hop fashion, evolved into a wider, looser interpretation of a cultural phenomenon, from music to magazines.