He predicted that while voters might not vote to leave the EU, they might demand a "looser relationship" with Brussels.
Next year, when the new treaty emerges, Mr Cameron will be under pressure from his party to secure the repatriation of powers and win a looser relationship with the EU.
Initial results supported a continued but looser relationship with France.
Some societies have a markedly developed, rigid caste system between groups of differing origins, whereas others are characterized by a looser relationship between their constituent elements.
Dozens of hospitals have already been pushed into looser relationships, but the proposed Morristown-Overlook-Mountainside consolidation - being called M.O.M. for short - would be the first real merger.
Mr Cameron insisted that he was not interested in the looser relationship with the EU sought by some of his party.
He was under the trance of Ornette Coleman's first records, sensing the possibilities in jazz of looser tonal relationships, stronger folk elements, and wilder playing.
None of this, according to No 10, offers Britain the chance to negotiate a looser relationship with the EU or requires a referendum.
Initial results supported a continued but looser relationship with France, with 60.6% of the electorate voting for the status quo on a 95% turnout.
It's an incredible figure,' she says, 'and it hides a very evident gradient from the northern regions to the south of a progressively looser relationship between man and dog.