Quebec is more likely to seek looser ties with the rest of the country than complete independence.
The pact signed today essentially formalizes those looser ties, preserving the idea of one nation if not many of the mechanics.
But it is the Basques who are most clearly associated with a drive for looser ties with the central government, and even separatism.
Both are from Estonia, another republic looking for looser ties to the Soviet Union.
Some are closely linked to their host campuses; others have looser ties.
The decision was a sharp rebuff to Estonia and other republics seeking looser ties to Moscow.
Only our requited leeway lets us drift together, only the loosest ties will keep us bound at all.
Or the looser tie of the torque.
This alienation will increase even more when European parties with even looser ties to their voters are set up.
These days, Americans have greater geographic mobility, smaller, fragmented families and looser ties to community and religious organizations.