Balangeroite can develop as loose fibers or compact when in large volumes which can be prismatic.
In this type of insulation the fiberglass is usually covered or wrapped so that loose fibers are not carried away by the airstream.
He peeled its two layers apart; watched them degrade into loose fibers as he spoke: "You have kept something from me?"
The water soon spreads into other parts of the towel because loose fibers have spaces between them that act as capillary tubes.
They were put into a flooded part of the quarry, since water dampens asbestos meaning that no loose fibers could escape from their structures.
With the power back on, Grant grabbed for the loose optical fibers and slapped them onto the chips in his legs.
After the basement is emptied, it will be sealed off with plastic sheeting to contain loose fibers.
Loose-fill insulation comes in loose fibers or pellets and should be blown into a space.
This is to keep loose fibers from twisting and blocking the shed.
Same as cloth, but it will not come unraveled at the edges and shed so many prickly loose fibers.