Harem pants are yet another loose style, but they have a snug cuff around the ankles.
As completed and seen today, the house is in a loose Palladian style.
While leading the team, Blackley adopted a loose style of supervision.
Candy takes her loose, fluid style from American dance.
After all the loose, soft styles of recent seasons, more discipline was necessary, he explained.
Price was adept in playing both loose and tight drumming styles for certain songs.
The result is what many have described as a loose, jangly, rootsy style of indie rock.
Mr. Jacobs has a rather loose style for a business school dean, especially one who passed the traditional retirement age seven years ago.
By 1940, the waistcoat began to be made in a loose style which made it uncomfortable to wear.
He has a loose, Midwestern style, a droll sense of humor and a pleasant speaking voice.