He wore spectacles, and the right lens was much stronger than the left, giving his suddenly widened eyes a disconcertingly lopsided appearance.
Dimly he was aware of Heitor's lopsided appearance as he favored the shoulder where he'd been shot.
His hips were wider than his shoulders and the holster gave him a peculiarly lopsided appearance.
When he smiled, which was often, his mouth had a slightly lopsided appearance to it.
It gave the craft an oddly lopsided appearance, and he knew at once that it would take more than a tank-ful of fuel to get it airborne again, much less into orbit.
But medical aides walked alongside her and ruled she was coherent and in no danger, despite her lopsided appearance, and she finished the race.
Bert quivered and subsided, his skull having acquired a peculiarly lopsided appearance.
A monocle in his right eye enlarged that optic with sinister effect, giving his entire face a curiously lopsided appearance.
It was rescued by Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries who made the structure safe using buttresses and girders so as to retain its lopsided appearance.
This would cure St James' Park of its current lopsided appearance.