A year later, as a group, they had lost an average of about 14 pounds.
Since March, it has lost an average of 65,000 jobs a month.
Police Department participants lost an average of 1.93 pounds per week.
Many analysts believe the industry is losing an average of $1 billion a month.
Before following the plan, I was losing an average of one pound a week.
Last year, hotels lost an average of $429 on each room before taxes.
Test patients who took the drug for two years lost an average of 16 pounds, the company said.
But 49 percent lost an average of $384 a month, in incomes already low enough to put children at risk.
A little more than one year ago we were losing an average of 750,000 jobs each month.
Both groups lost an average of 28 pounds in 26 weeks.