Since that time, I have lost numerous more employees in such circumstances.
They lost 2-1 in controversial circumstances, as Palace were denied a first half goal despite the ball clearly crossing the line.
It was lost in uncertain circumstances at the end of the First World War.
Evas can also lose control in certain circumstances and go "berserk", such as when the pilot is under extreme stress.
Being a constant worker, Clyde felt hopelessly lost in present circumstances.
On July 19 alone, 71 people drowned in Russia while another 274 lost their lives in similar circumstances the week before.
They lost the following week to Manly, in controversial circumstances.
I lost my own father in terrible circumstances, but I avenged him.
It was then that he lost his job in somewhat bizarre circumstances.
He must lose his Fremen concubine in circumstances where no other shared the blame.