Losing his position in the colonial government and the £50 annual salary it entailed was a blow to Carroll.
Fisher soon lost confidence in the government of Thomas Greenway, and crossed the floor to the opposition.
In 2005 they lost their power in the federal government.
Was the move a conspiracy by northerners displeased that they had lost power and influence in the new civilian government?
The public begins to lose faith in the government to act efficiently and effectively.
Jacob de Graeff lost his political position in the government for some years.
In 1906, the government lost the general election, and Chamberlain lost his job in the government.
Now, many of those Cardassian subjects who were beginning to lose faith in the military government have been placated by the treaty.
"Otherwise the people will lose confidence in the government and the party will lose its legitimacy."
Your coalition will lose its place in the government.