Since winning the opening game of the series, the Bulls have lost their sharpness in attack.
The old woman's words abruptly lost their special sharpness for Paul.
The edge of grief never lost its sharpness.
When there were no external records that you could refer to, even the outline of your own life lost its sharpness.
Quite a number of the people you speak to will be getting on in years and have lost their sharpness of hearing.
The moon's rim had lost its sharpness: there was sand blowing, close to ground level.
He appears to have mastered the trick of taking time off without losing his sharpness.
The technique doesn't leave one, but, like skiing, the muscles lose their sharpness.
Not having lost his sharpness, Barry understood the emptiness of his position.
For me, things begin to lose their sharpness, and time begins to lurch heavily.