In the Israeli elections in February, Mr. Barak lost resoundingly to Mr. Sharon.
Ms. Messinger, who was in city government for 22 years, lost resoundingly to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani last fall, but vowed to stay active on political and social issues.
Mr. D'Amato lost resoundingly to Charles E. Schumer in 1998, the same year that the legislative slate of the once-dominant Nassau County Republican operation was wiped out.
Today he proclaimed himself pleased to be back in Connecticut, which he lost resoundingly in the 2000 presidential campaign to Al Gore.
The Liberal candidate, Allen G. Campbell - with 1,357 votes - lost resoundingly to Cannon who had 18,567 votes.
The Mondale-Ferraro ticket lost resoundingly, amid questions about whether she had hurt the ticket.
After New Democracy resoundingly lost the 2009 legislative election, Kostas Karamanlis resigned as head of the party, prompting a leadership race, and Samaras ran for the post.
The Liberal candidate, Allen G. Campbell - with 1357 votes - lost resoundingly to Mormon General Authority George Q. Cannon who had 18,567 votes.
Her resignation triggered a by-election for her seat, which saw it resoundingly lost to Liberal candidate Stuart Ayres.
The government however resoundingly lost the 2007 Federal election to the Labor Party led by Kevin Rudd with a wave of support for change and a slogan for "new leadership" for the country.