Fletcher, you lost forty miles an hour in the entry!
Over the past five years, the Amazon has lost 7,700 square miles a year, most of it for cattle grazing, soybean farming and palm oil.
Wetland loss peaked in the early 1980's, when Louisiana lost about 40 square miles a year.
Did you know that between 1945 and 1985 England lost 96,000 miles of hedgerows - enough to girdle the earth four times?
Each year, Louisiana loses 25 to 35 square miles of coastal marsh, largely because of federal activities.
Since 2002, China has lost more than 13,500 square miles of farmland.
A report by a Shandong agricultural official found that the province had lost more than 4,000 square miles of farmland since 1999.
Due to the terrain and limitations of the radios the communication link with headquarters was lost every 8 to 10 miles (13 to 16 km).
At the end of two hours she had lost three miles.
Over the next fifty years, the state is expected to lose another five hundred square miles of land.