At the 1997 General Election, Malcolm Rifkind lost his seat to the Labour Party.
He lost his parliamentary seat to the Labour Party at the 1929 election, but regained it two years later at the 1931 poll.
Long ago the Zinovieff letter lost an election to the Labour Party; the incredible fact appeared to be that this affair had been conceived as such another.
At the 1997 General Election, Portillo lost his seat in the House of Commons to the Labour Party.
The Conservative Party lost its overall majority to the Labour Party.
Hayes lost his seat in 1997 to the Labour Party in the 1997 general election.
However, the party lost the 1945 general election to the resurgent Labour Party.
However in the 1945 general election the party lost power in a landslide to the Labour Party.
This lasted until the Community Group lost all their seats to the Labour Party in the 2010 local elections.
In 1936, after losing power to the Labour Party, Reform and United agreed to merge, creating the National Party.