Bear in mind that where the French have lost volume of sales is in the entry-level category (under £5 a bottle).
Too dry, and you lose volume but no alcohol, and the marc is overwhelmed by tannins.
They also lose volume to evaporation (angel's share), leaving behind a wine that is slightly more viscous.
His voice lost volume, and he gasped.
The roar of the pushpots outside the ship had long since lost the timbre and volume of normal atmosphere.
His voice was not exactly lowered, but it lost volume, although she could still hear it quite easily.
"Better to lose volume to yourself than to your competition," he said.
After people use it, they start losing volume in their face, and that accelerates the appearance of aging.
The hullabaloo of sound lost volume and separated into voices.
The binder loses volume in the process, so that voids form; the addition of aggregate reduces this problem, but does not eliminate it.