Rae fights the chameleon, but almost loses the battle while trying to protect Russ.
Didn't he lose a ship, a cutter or something, while trying to prevent some Spanish three - deckers from escaping?
Kirby then adjusts squadron tactics, despite losing a number of pilots while trying to prove his point.
He lost the real ones on Labor Day while trying to rescue a backyard gazebo from the grip of a tornado.
Two of her crew members lost their lives while trying to swim ashore.
A British Army officer lost his hand while trying to defuse it.
And I lost mine while trying to do something for him.
He lost control of his Range Rover while trying to get off streetcar tracks and hit a pole.
Zent lost his needle burner while trying to grab for a support.
But when you lose three of four while trying to dig yourself out of a hole, the result is much more damaging.