The loss did not dampen their enthusiasm for the sport.
The loss hardly dampened what must be considered a successful road trip.
The loss of this wealth will further dampen growth.
The loss at Belmont only slightly dampened a great career.
The loss could dampen enthusiasm for what some think could be a new model for drawing new investors to Broadway, and for companies to extend their brand.
David Henwood, the chief investment officer at Raymond James & Associates, said the stock market's recent losses and the slowdown in consumer spending were dampening investors' sentiments.
Tuesday night's 9-5 loss to the Tokyo Yomiuri Giants did not dampen the Mets' spirits.
But stark Republican losses in the last two Congressional elections had dampened the fervor of revolutionaries and moderates alike for the style of Mr. Gingrich.
Not even USC's loss to Arizona that day could dampen my spirits.