It happened, however, that no extreme loss of gas ensued, and he commenced descending with a speed which, though considerable, was not very excessive.
Of course, it must be worthy of enshrinement, otherwise an embarrassing loss of esteem will surely ensue.
Imprisonment, trial and loss of the farm ensue and Alice's husband and Theresa become "involved."
Heavy losses ensued which required rest and reorganisation.
Considerable losses must have ensued from any direct attempt to force them.
A loss of trust in the presidency ensued, and the media became adversarial.
Against that backdrop, whatever losses may have ensued from military service did not loom all that large in anyone's consciousness.
As is often the case when overhauling a team, growing pains and losses ensue early on in the hopes of building a consistent winning team.
Pressing on, further losses ensued and by the time the Venturas had begun their bomb run, only five aircraft remained.
Crashes and losses ensue.