And the average loss from employee expense account abuse grew to $141,000, nearly seven times what it was four years earlier.
The loss could grow to a maximum of 15 percent if their local contribution to education is below the average.
Including those items, the league's loss grows to $374 million.
Its loss grew by 40 percent, to $614 million, from the loss in 2006.
The new data show that the losses are growing.
But its losses also grew, to $10 million from $5.1 million, in the period a year ago.
By 2001 his losses were growing and he needed to raise cash to cover them.
But congestion, waste disposal problems and loss of open space all grew as well.
On the other hand, if the strategies are not successful, then the losses could grow.
And just last week, the company announced that its losses were growing.