Studies conducted since the association began its campaign against peer-to-peer file-sharing have concluded that losses incurred per download range from negligible to substantial.
"Taking as equal pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat, gird thyself for the battle; thus thou shalt not incur sin."
The losses incurred by Octavius and the sudden death of Strabo soon after saw his army become increasingly demoralized.
Generally, law enforcement agencies from around the world are interested in scam letters where actual losses incurred upon a victim.
The duels were fought by their trained gladiators, but they represented very real feuds, and the losses incurred when their fighters lost were equally real.
Under the old tax law, investors could deduct the losses incurred by these projects from their total income, including salary and other sources.
With stricter auditing, he said, agencies would balance all their assets and liabilities, including the loans receivable, investments made and losses incurred.
When the losses incurred on the call are exactly matched by the profits received from the shares.
For example, in 2001, the Kemper Insurance Companies executed two large finite transactions, known as retroactive policies, that covered losses already incurred.
Although delict may be described as at bottom a system of loss allocation, it is important to note that not every damage or loss will incur liability at law.