But the steady loss of 25 to 30 soldiers a year has made the effort highly unpopular here.
Among the low points since then was the loss of 81 American soldiers killed by insurgent attacks in November.
These attacks were repulsed with the loss of twenty soldiers and seven tanks.
The Spanish suffered losses of 1,400 soldiers killed, wounded, and missing.
Altogether, 45 Muslim militants were killed against a loss of four soldiers killed and two wounded.
Meanwhile, French suffered equivalent losses of 16,000 soldiers, but still enjoyed huge numerical superiority.
German reports acknowledge the loss of 196 soldiers, plus 114 missing and 356 wounded.
Cromwell's 8,000 men eventually took the town from its 2,000 Irish defenders, but not before they suffered losses of around 2,000 soldiers.
They were unsuccessful and were driven back into the city with a loss of 1,193 soldiers and 64 officers.
The Chileans had to pull back with a loss of 534 soldiers: 154 died in combat, 277 died to disease and 103 deserted.