On the other hand, they estimate that the losses could run as low as $250 million a year.
The yard had a workforce of 7,000, the market was crumbling, and losses were running at £43m a year.
The total loss to Hazleton ran into the millions of dollars.
This year's losses, $9.7 billion in the first nine months, are running slightly behind the 1988 pace.
But even so, he added, the loss to South Carolina's economy will run into the hundreds of millions.
State veterinary officials say the loss to ranchers could run into the millions of dollars.
But his best estimate was that the losses could run close to $1.8 billion.
Planetary Defense gives all the cover they can, but losses still run one percent.
"We had been saying, based on our models, that losses could run to $30 billion."
This level was raised to $200bn each earlier this year as losses ran higher than expected.